Maryam Hassar
Misinformation on Palestine & Israel
Project Details
Students were tasked with choosing a global issue, topic, or problem that connects to the Global Studies themes & skills. I specifically chose to study the Palestinian & Israeli dispute. I was able to use my passion for this topic to dive deeper into my research, explore different perspectives, and gain a better understanding of the history and current aspects of the situation.
Background Information
Starting in 1917 after the Balfour Declaration declared Palestine the national home for Jewish people and throughout 1947, there was a massive migration to Palestine of Jewish Europeans due to Nazi persecution. In 1948, the British mandate over Palestine had expired and Israel was nationally recognized as an independent state. In 1987 there was a mass uprising against Israeli occupation forces in the occupied Palestinian territory. Later in 1988, the Palestinian National Council meeting declared the establishment of the State of Palestine. From 1991 throughout 2003 the Peace Conference and countries such as US, EU, and Russia proposed different ideas to solve the conflict of Israel & Palestine, solutions such as the Two-State solution and direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine. Beginning in 2008 with Israel escalating rocket fire on Gaza, there has been continuous violence in both Israel and Palestinian territory. Lastly, in 2012 Palestine achieved non-member observer State status in the UN.
Over the course of four weeks I spent my time researching from both a pro-Israel & pro-Palestine view. I understood the original bias I have on the situation and spread out my sources of information to get a range of diverse perspectives on the issue. Alongside my personal research, I conducted an anonymous survey at my school on the information both students & teachers know about the situation and how their knowledge might coincide with parts of their identity. View the survey data here. With this data I was able to understand how people's religion and/or age changes their answer to the questions asked and view on the issue.
With a variety of choices for a product, I chose to create a painting, acrylic paint on canvas, displaying the connection of the three Abrahamic religions with the land of Palestine & Israel. Read my full artist statement here.
"The Land We Carry in Our Blood"